Tuesday, March 30, 2010


New Moon, Reading Journal #7

''Jacob’s furious voice was suddenly in my ear, hissing out a stream of profanities. I felt a vague disapproval. His new friends were clearly a bad influence.''Bella thinks Jacobs friends are the reason he has been acting so differently when in fact it's because Jacob himself is changing. Many people automatically think that when they change it's the people they hang out with when it can just be because the person is dissatisfied with his or her life and wants to change. Most people now a days like to change themselves because they are not happy with the way their life is going so they start acting different then usual and the ones closest to the person start to notices those changes such as Bella noticing that Jacob has not been acting the same. There are more things that change besides personalities such as technology and physical appearances. I think Bella wants to blame everyone for Jacob changing besides himself she would rather point fingers at the guys Jacob is hanging out with rather than Jacob!

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Moon, Reading Journal #6

One day Edward walked into class late as usual the only thing different was were he usual sat there was a pretty young girl sitting there, where his fiend Jesse usually sits he sat there. Then Edward looks at the new girl and make eye contact he then introduces himself to her and she does as well. Her name was Bella and she was very shy, then there teacher had told them all to open their books up and continue the question on page 123 with a person near you so Edward decided to have Bella for a partner but the only thing was she didn't understand any of it so he had to help her, after they finished Bella and Edward started talking about how amazing it would be if they had powers like what if Bella could run fast or go through walls suddenly Edward got quite and no one from the table notice him change except for Bella. After that the bell rang and Edward quickly got his stuff and ran out the door Bella tried to catch up to him to ask him why he acted like that but she couldn't keep up with him. She was wondering why he acted like that so she went to school the next day to ask but that day he never even came, she kept showing up and he did the opposite and one day the teacher had informed the class that he had dropped out and was doing independent studies.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Jacob is a beast

New Moon, Reading Journal #5

Jacob and Bella are having a fight because Jacob doesn't talk to Bella any more and he has changed a great deal from the way he he was before. Jacob now hangs out with Sam, and Bella thinks he's a bad influence on Jacob. I think the authors message was that when people change you can't stop them you kind of just let it happen and let life take it's course, like Jacob he changed and there was nothing Bella could do she had no choice but to let nature take it's course. I think Jacob will change and become Bella's friend again he might not be his friend right away but I'm sure he will one day. This story makes me wonder if my friends will ever change and I will ever be in Bella's situation. When I read that Jacob was being very disrespectful towards Bella when they went for a little walk in the forest it got me really mad I felt Bella's anger I just wanted to hit Jacob and leave him forever. I think the author does a fantastic job detailing the story because I can picture what she rights in my head and she speaks clear and direct and I like that a lot!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Laws Of Gravity

New Moon, Reading Journal #4

''I was like a lost moon—my planet destroyed in some cataclysmic, disaster-movie scenario of desolation—that continued, nevertheless, to circle in a tight little orbit around the empty space left behind, ignoring the laws of gravity.'' I believe Bella meant when she said this was that when you think all hope is lost you can keep going on with what your doing. Even though the moon which is her and everything around her is destroyed or gone like the way Edward is gone life still goes one and one you can't just sit down and give up you have to keep going and live life. I think that this connects to world because everyone will go through things that will turn your world up side down and you have to just let it going even if you lose something, it also connects to the book because Bella lost Edward and she acted if her world was done and then it came to her that you still have to live life and keep moving forward.