Tuesday, March 30, 2010


New Moon, Reading Journal #7

''Jacob’s furious voice was suddenly in my ear, hissing out a stream of profanities. I felt a vague disapproval. His new friends were clearly a bad influence.''Bella thinks Jacobs friends are the reason he has been acting so differently when in fact it's because Jacob himself is changing. Many people automatically think that when they change it's the people they hang out with when it can just be because the person is dissatisfied with his or her life and wants to change. Most people now a days like to change themselves because they are not happy with the way their life is going so they start acting different then usual and the ones closest to the person start to notices those changes such as Bella noticing that Jacob has not been acting the same. There are more things that change besides personalities such as technology and physical appearances. I think Bella wants to blame everyone for Jacob changing besides himself she would rather point fingers at the guys Jacob is hanging out with rather than Jacob!

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