Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Diving off the cliff

New Moon, Reading Journal #8

Bella decides to jump off a cliff so she can get an adrenalin rush so she can see Edward again. Alice predicts and tells Edward and he thinks she died. I think Edward will go to the Voltaire because I remember when he was telling Bella when a vampire doesn't want to live anymore they go to them and they can kill you because it's hard to kill a vampire. This story made me wonder why people go through so much for people they love it doesn't make much sense when you think about it most people do this they go through so much such as Romeo and Juliet they killed themselves because each other had died. My favorite character is Edward because i feel like we have more things in common because i would do anything for the people i love and that's exactly what Edwards doing. Edward only left Bella for her safety because he knew by staying that meant she was in danger of getting hurt by other vampires and possibly a family member. If someone i loved was in that situation i would probably do the exact same thing to Bella. I thought that the first book Twilight was a much better book than this one because i thought it was more on Edward and this one has more Bella and Jacob and I don't really care for him because he doesn't seem very nice and interesting. Edward is my favorite and will probably be for the rest of the book.

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