Monday, March 8, 2010

Jacob is a beast

New Moon, Reading Journal #5

Jacob and Bella are having a fight because Jacob doesn't talk to Bella any more and he has changed a great deal from the way he he was before. Jacob now hangs out with Sam, and Bella thinks he's a bad influence on Jacob. I think the authors message was that when people change you can't stop them you kind of just let it happen and let life take it's course, like Jacob he changed and there was nothing Bella could do she had no choice but to let nature take it's course. I think Jacob will change and become Bella's friend again he might not be his friend right away but I'm sure he will one day. This story makes me wonder if my friends will ever change and I will ever be in Bella's situation. When I read that Jacob was being very disrespectful towards Bella when they went for a little walk in the forest it got me really mad I felt Bella's anger I just wanted to hit Jacob and leave him forever. I think the author does a fantastic job detailing the story because I can picture what she rights in my head and she speaks clear and direct and I like that a lot!

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